Monday, January 18, 2010


We have spent the last week getting the nursery ready for the baby. We only changed our minds about 3 different times on how we wanted it to look.... I was looking on HGTV and found this painting job that Brandon and I both loved it. Little did we know how big of a pain it would be to tape and paint the design. But after we finally got it finished, we really were happy with the way it turned out. We've only got a few more finishing touches to add in there, but I can't tell you how much better I feel to have the necessities done. Brandon spent hours turning the window seat into one with a lid so that it could be more storage and also a fun place for the kids to play in when they get older. He even put carpet and padding in the bottom of it. I also threw a belly picture in there even though it's not the most flattering. Only 10 1/2 weeks to go!!!


  1. Oh, I LOVE it Tor!! It turned out so cute.. and you look soo great! I love the belly pix! Can't wait to see you in 2 weeks!!

  2. Hi Torie...It's Melanie from St. George. It looks so cute! Those are some STRAIGHT lines! Wow! Congrats on the baby. I'm just getting ready to start our nursery as well. Fun!

  3. Looks great, Tor! I'm pretty proud of you guys. Um, in the future, when your kid plays hide and seek...check the window seat. :)

  4. Torie!!!! Just got your invite in the mail. So excited. I had no idea you were having a baby! Reagan must have forgot to mention it. But......I will be in California that day so I will have your gift waiting. PS, the gift you gave me when I had Davie-the monkey towel- is her absolute favorite, will not use any other towell. It's starting to smell like that sour smell and I don't dare throw it away due to tantrums. Where did you get it by chance? maybe I can get a new one. Also, you will LOVE having a boy!!! It's my favorite

  5. The nursery looks great! I love the bedding and the paint. What a lot of work, but it's so worth it.

    You look great! I can't believe that you only have 10 weeks left of your pregnancy. I wish you the best of luck and can't wait to see pictures of your little guy.

  6. Oh my gosh, those are the world's straightest lines you guys! I guess that is what happens when you have 2 of the most accurate/perfectionists for parents huh? The nursery looks absolutely darling, I love it. Simple and classy. Just the way I knew you would do it. You look dang good girl, I can't wait to love on your little belly tomorrow at the shower. Seriously I am so excited to see you. Love ya!

  7. I am so so excited for you you look so dang cute and not even big at all for 10 weeks left!!!! Your nursery looks cute!!!! Hope everything goes well for you....
