He loves his daddy too!
Taking a ride on Aunt Aimee's luggage
Going sledding for the first time
Cousin's Kamri and Whitley
Yes, he's licking the snow. He loved it!
He loves his new binki (thanks to cousin Audri)
He get's the whole thing in his mouth. It's both scary and hilarious!
Helping daddy level the new washer and dryer
The crazy things Brandon does to entertain Mason
I seriously can't believe how fast this year is going by. Mason is 10 months old now and is so much fun. He is wild and energetic and can't sit still for a second, but we are loving watching him explore everything. Uncle Ryan, Grandpa Brown, Kamri and Whitley invited us to go sledding last weekend with them. We weren't sure how Mason would like it, but we thought it would be a fun little outing. He loved playing in the snow and crawling all over the place. He kept putting his face in the snow and sticking his tongue out to get a quick taste. Brandon took him down the hill a few times and then I decided to give it a shot. He would usually cry when we would sit down, but at the end of the ride he had decided that he loved it. We had a great time and can't wait to take him again.
He weighs 20 pounds now and is 30 inches long and is advanced in almost everything for his age. He is so close to walking. He will take 4 or 5 steps by himself and then looks at us like "what am I doing?" and then he gently sits himself back down. I'm sure it won't be very much longer before he has it all figured out. Part of me wants to stop the whole process since I know I will never be able to keep up with him once he is walking.
He is still the worst sleeper! Some nights we are up 5 or 6 times and usually for at least an hour stretch. He never sleeps past 6:30 and wakes up excited and ready to go for the day. I am reading a book that Reagan recommended and hoping that this lady knows what she is talking about so I can get him trained to sleep through the night.... wish me luck, I'm exhausted!!!
He loves being wherever Brandon and I are. Somedays I feel like it would be easier to strap him onto my leg and save us both the hassle of him crying anytime I take a step away from him, I've been assured by everyone to enjoy it because before too long he will be too big to want to spend time with me. (I try to remind myself of that when I get a little impatient since I can't get anything done during the days)
He is quickly getting over the whole baby food stage. He would much rather eat what is on our plates. He loves ice cream, my fruit smoothies (gotta love weight watchers), sweet potatoes, bread, pasta, and all of the sudden peas.
Our house has totally been taken over with all of his toys. Somedays I sit there and look at everything and laugh to myself that I'm actually okay that my house looks the way it does. Not that it's dirty, but there is one whole wall in our family room that has toys stretched acrossed it. He loves playing with them, and acts like they are new to him each time he sees them. He get's so excited and waves his arms up and down when he plays. He LOVES cars, he will push them all over the house and has already figured out how to make the sounds like they are driving.
He is so cute and has the funniest little personality. We love him so much and are grateful each day for the blessing he is in our lives!
Man he's a cute kid!!! I love that he puts that whole thing in his mouth!!