Mason loves donuts, especially this GIANT one!
Playing in daddy's snow gear bag
This was the first time he fell asleep eating, so cute~
Playing with cousin Audri
Audri's darling birthday cake that grandma made
My birthday
Aunt Aimee's birthday
I haven't blogged for a while, we've been having some serious issues with our computer and it would take about 5 minutes to upload one picture, needless to say I wasn't patient enough to do that. We have had a busy few months. I celebrated my birthday in January. All my siblings except Cristy were here with me, which was the best way for me to celebrate. We all went to Texas Roadhouse and thanks to my wonderful husband I had to ride the bull.
In February we celebrated my little niece Audri's first birthday and Aimee's birthday. It was fun to have everyone come up again for that. Even better is that Dusty and Mandie moved up north to Saratoga Springs. We are excited to be closer to them and hope that we will get together often now that we are all living up north (minus Cristy.... ps, if you are reading this- maybe you should move back from Boston so you can hang out with us again!)
Mason has had a rough couple of months. He had Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. It was so sad, he had sores in the back of his throat and wouldn't even swallow his own saliva. He was running high fevers and wouldn't eat for about 4 days. Now he is cutting one of his incissors and so he's a little cranky with the runny nose, drooling and not sleeping. I'll be so glad when he gets all his teeth in and we don't have to keep doing this!
Mason and I were able to go down to my mom's for a few days. I was able to run down to St George one day and see some friends there. I wished the weather would have been a little nicer, I am really getting tired of winter and can't wait for Spring and Summer. I actually left Mason with my mom- which was the first time I've left him for longer than 5 or 6 hours. Surprisingly, we both survived! I don't know that Mason really cared as much as I did, but it was probably good for both of us. Next week is his birthday, we can't wait!
Mason is such a doll! Happy birthday to both of you!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I've never seen a donut that big!!!