I still can't believe that it's been a year since Mason was born. It has been an exciting and fun year! He had such a fun birthday party. He loves Mickey Mouse so I thought it would be cute to do a Baby Mickey party. My mom made the cutest cake and cupcakes, she is sooo talented! We were able to have our immediate family come and celebrate with us. Mason just loves having his little cousins around so it was fun to watch him inter-act with everyone. We had pizza, breadsticks and salad for dinner and then we opened presents. He got some great stuff: 2 dogs, movies, money, leap frog barn, ABC bus, an ABC gospel book, a beautiful painting of Christ to go in his room, clothes and pj's, and a little red sportscar. Thanks everyone for the gifts.
Mason does not like to touch food if it gets him sticky or his hands dirty (imagine where he got that from?) so I had convinced myself that he wouldn't dig into his piece of cake. Boy was I wrong, he loved playing in it, eating it and throwing it all over the kitchen. He realized that everyone was laughing at him so he started laughing each time he would eat the cake and start to throw it, it was the cutest thing. He was quite a little ham for everyone. He had such an exciting time at the party that he slept all through the night and took a four hour nap the next day. Good stuff!
At his doctor's check-up he is now in the 50% for his weight and off the chart for his height. Dr Fennell said he will be tall and lean, just like his daddy.
Mason is such a cute little boy. He is funny and sweet and full of energy. He is running all over the place, he is completely eating table foods now, he is off formula and he keeps us busy and entertained! We love him so much and feel so lucky to be his parents. We can't wait to see how the next year goes. Happy Birthday sweet boy!