Right before the "biohazard" explosion
Mason with his grandma and grandpa
4 generation pictures
Mason is now 5 weeks old. It's so crazy how fast time goes by. I absolutely love being a mom and had no idea how time consuming and what hard work it was, but it is so worth it.
So the first two pictures are of an incident that happened at the last doctor's appointment. Right before the doctor came in Mason started grunting like he needed to use the bathroom, well sure enough he did. So I was changing him as I was getting an update from Dr Fennell. I had him all cleaned off and went to lift his legs to put the new diaper underneath him and he apparently wasn't finished and the poop shot out of him and went all over my shirt, his blanket and the doctor's table..... it was the craziest thing I've ever seen and the messiest! The doctor gave me that biohazard bag that we had to put the stuff in so that we could carry it off the premises. What an experience!
We made our first road trip with Mason to St George for my little niece Audri's baby blessing. It was quite an experience and only took us 6 1/2 hours to get to St George on Friday. The blessing was really nice and we were able to take 4 generation pictures with my granny Orton which was neat. Sorry the pictures aren't better, I'm hoping my mom has better ones. It was also my niece Irelyn's birthday so we had a party for her that day and were able to see a lot of my family in St George. I sure love and miss everyone down there and wish I would have had more time to see some of my wonderful friends, but our schedules were packed.
Mason is doing well. We have been struggling getting his weight up, but finally at his 4 week check up he was 7 pounds 2 ounces and surpassed his birthweight... YEA! What a stressful time it's been to get him to put on weight, hopefully he is getting bigger each day and at the next appointment we will be able to finally relax and just enjoy having him with us. He is still such a good baby and just eats, sleeps and pees (a ton!)
that's the fun with kids! I was a little worried when I saw the biohazard bag..ha ha!!