Thursday, May 13, 2010


We finally got Mason's pictures done this week. One of Brandon's co-workers wife's Hollie does photography and wanted to do them for us. Her pricing is so cheap and we are thrilled with how they turned out. These are just a few of them that she posted on her facebook page. Hopefully tomorrow I will get the CD of the rest of them. Mason was such a good sport and lasted and hour and a half during the shoot before he let us know that he had had enough fun. I'll post more when I get them. Thanks Hollie for getting such great pictures of our precious little guy!


  1. These pictures are just awesome! I love the one where you are holding Mason's head in your hands. He looks so alert! What a beautiful family you have!

  2. Oh they turned out soo good!! I love all of them and I can't wait to see the rest!
